
Crowne Plaza Tainan situated in Anping District, Tainan. It is known not only for its rich culture and stepped in history, but also for its golden sunsets, natural environment, sword lion, old street and delicious cuisine. Let’s Tainan be your next stop destination in Taiwan.
  • Anping old street & the Sword-Lion

    Anping old street & the Sword-Lion

    The street features all kinds of old stalls and shops, and regardless of whether you are a domestic or foreign visitor coming here to look for nick-knacks, raise your head once in a while to take a look at the Sword Lions on the lintels of doors.
    Distance 1.8 km , Driving time6 min
  • Sunset Platform

    Sunset Platform

    Sunset in Anping is one of the 8 most beautiful views in Taiwan and the Sunset Platform is the best place to enjoy the view.
    Distance 1.5 km , Driving time4 min
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